Hidden Valley’s Membership Update – April 2023

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New Chance to Join Your Community Association

by Stacey Lemire

I’ve really appreciated the opportunity to meet many of you over the months I’ve been the Membership Director for the HVCA. Something I keep hearing from folks is, “I’m not a member, but I really should be…” or “I’ve been meaning to, but…” and I can absolutely relate to that. We’re all busy, and one more task on the to-do list gets pushed back and forgotten.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to speak to me at different events this year. It’s been great to see your smiles and hear what you love about Hidden Valley. We’re all thrilled to welcome every single new member. You are the heart of what makes our community such a great place to live and when you support us, we can only get better together.

We’re working hard to organize some new events and opportunities this year and we’d love to have you on board for them! You can join us today by scanning the QR code below with your smart phone, and it’ll take you straight to our website. We’d love to have you be a part of what we’re creating for Hidden Valley.