Hounsfield Heights-Briar Hill December Message from the President

Presidents Message Hounsfield Heights Briar Hill

The 2017/2018 year has been very busy for the community association!

We have been working on a number of items that impact the community:

  • Banff Trail redevelopment
  • Secondary Suites
  • 16th Ave /Crowchild Trail redevelopment
  • ADAC expansion
  • Sears Plume
  • Facility Expansion
  • Louise Riley Library – Fire Truck and Redevelopment

In addition to these items we have also been working to ensure we have policies and procedures in place to ensure that our community association and its activities are consistently and transparently governed. These policies apply to not only board governance but also the operations of the community center ensuring we have a safe and respectful place for our residents to gather and for people to work at. At this time, we have completed high priority definitions, HSSE, employment standards and fiscal policies and we will continue to create others over the next year.

I do want to mention one item specifically, the Sears Plume. Over the past two decades, the Hounsfield Heights-Briar Hill Community Association (HH-BH CA) worked on behalf of the community on the ‘Sears Plume’ issue, to try and ensure continued focus and efforts to manage the plume. Until now, we’ve had a dedicated board role responsible for tracking and communicating any activity related to the Sears Plume. The Board believes that the interests of the community are now best served by Alberta Environment and Parks as they have put into place Environmental Protection Order (NO. EPO-2018101-SSR) to manage the ‘Sears Plume’. The HH-BH Community Association will now step back from any further management efforts related to the Sears Plume. The HH-BH CA will continue to post all items provided by various parties in regard to the ‘Sears Plume’ on our website. Sears has also set up a website for official Environmental Order communications to residents, https://searscanadaepo.sears.ca/.

The HH-BH CA Board is also aware of the formation of a group, the Hounsfield Heights Landowners Group (HHLG), of potentially affected residents who have engaged legal counsel, Mr. Gavin Fitch of McLennan Ross LLP, to further their specific interests and concerns with respect to the ‘Sears Plume’. The only means of contacting the HHLG that the HH-BH CA Board is aware of is via Mr. Fitch. To the best of the Board’s knowledge the HHLG and its members do NOT represent the entire community of potentially impacted residents.

I would like to thank our board members for their work and for supporting me as President this year. It has been a pleasure to work with such caring, capable and enthusiastic people! I have been honoured to serve you and I thank you for your support.

Our Community Association is relevant and successful, and an important part of our neighbourhood. I remember the first time I joined the board and I was very nervous but found quickly that the members of the board are knowledgeable and supportive and that the spirit of caring and trying inevitably leads to success. Do NOT hesitate to join in, I promise you will be supported and find the experience rewarding!

Please remember that you are always welcome to attend our meetings or communicate with board members individually, and that we value your input and participation.

