Discovery Ridge’s Bottle Shack

DiscoveryRidge cn

Did you know that Discovery Ridge has a community bottle shack where you can deposit your refundable beverage containers? It is conveniently located in the parking lot adjacent to the community recreation facilities (rink and tennis courts).

The Discovery Ridge Community Association (DRCA) uses the proceeds from the bottle shack to help maintain and operate our facilities. We collect about $2,000 each time the bottle shack is unloaded! The proceeds are an important part of our funding in addition to community memberships that we remind and encourage all residents to purchase annually.

Every few months we look for volunteers to empty the bottle shack and it usually takes 20 minutes or less. We can always use new recruits to come and help out so watch for upcoming unload dates.

When you use the bottle shack, please remember to tie the bags, and tape the boxes to help keep things safe and simple for our dedicated volunteers who stack and re-pack the facility regularly.

Please consider using the bottle shack for your refundable items to help us fund our facilities.

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