Killarney Glengarry Letter from the President – December


December can be very social for some and lonely for others. Make sure you take the time to wish your neighbour a happy holiday season, or invite someone to join you in one of Calgary’s many celebrations.

Is it just me, or do you feel slightly pressured when someone over the holidays says “what are your resolutions for next year?” Did I actually set any last year? Did I do any of them? Amidst the busy-ness of the season, it is hard to find the time to reflect.

From the Harvard Business School, to Zen perspectives, the benefits of reflection on improving learning and personal growth are evident. KGCA would like to challenge you to 12 days of reflection. Follow us on Social this month as we reflect on the various aspects of community life. We would love to hear your perspective on the themes! Happy holiday everyone.


Carolyn Johnson, KGCA President