Kingsland’s Crime Prevention and Safety Article for January

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Appreciating Calgary Transit

Thousands of Calgarians use our transit system every day, either by bus or the Light Rail Transit known as LRT or C-Train. Both are a convenient and efficient way to travel around the city. Fortunately, those of us living in Kingsland have both bus routes and LRT stations within minutes of our door.

It’s All About Safety

There are 45 LRT stations in Calgary and staying safe is a top priority for the Calgary Transit Authority (CTA). To that end, the CTA has implemented a number of measures to ensure the safety of passengers and reduce the risk of accidents or incidents.

One of the most important safety measures is the use of CCTV cameras on all LRT trains. These cameras are monitored by staff at the Calgary Transit Operations Control Centre, who can quickly respond to any safety concerns. Additionally, all LRT stations have CCTV cameras, which help to deter criminal activity and provide evidence in case of incidents.

In addition to these measures, the Calgary Transit Authority provides safety education and training for both passengers and staff. They are committed to ongoing training for LRT operators to ensure that they are equipped to handle any safety issues that may arise.

In a city the size of Calgary, there will be problems that present themselves such as unruly and sometimes violent behaviour. To address these issues, the City has brought about some changes in security and law enforcement. Calgarians will now see more officers on patrol along with some changes to C-Train services. The changes include an increase in the number of Transit security guards and ambassadors. Overnight patrols will also be conducted seven days a week by police officers paired with transit peace officers. Furthermore, more peace officers will be moved to high concern areas like stations on 7 Avenue. They will also be proactively sent to locations where suspicious behaviour or gatherings are observed to increase uniformed presence. These moves are a response to the hundreds of charges made in relation to C-Train lines. Through these changes, the City of Calgary aims to reduce violence and ensure the safety of its citizens on the C-Trains and around the LRT stations.

Calgary Transit Watch – How To Report Safety Concerns

Public transportation can be an excellent and convenient way to get around, but it can also be a bit overwhelming, especially if you’re new to the area or the transit system. If you are riding on the C-Train and have an immediate safety or security concern, you can send a text message to 74100 with as much detail as possible. Provide information on who is involved, what is happening, when and where it is occurring, and how the situation is unfolding.

Remember, if there is an emergency, always contact 9-1-1 first.

Transit staff will acknowledge the receipt of your text and will likely have follow-up questions. Additionally, if you have any images or video clips that can assist them in understanding the situation, you can send them through the text number service. Your safety and security are the top priority.

If you find yourself in need of assistance while at a C-Train or Max Purple Station, there are Help phones and buttons available 24/7.

These Help phones and buttons are strategically placed throughout the stations and on platforms to ensure that you can easily access them if you need assistance. In addition, C-Train cars also have Help buttons and Help Strips that function in a similar way. Should a need for help arise, simply press the Help button until it clicks. Once the green light comes on, you will be connected to an agent at the Transit Operations Centre who can assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. Help buttons are there for you – don’t hesitate to use them. The agents are always there to make your transit experience as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Doing Your Part

Passengers using Calgary’s transit should take several precautions to stay safe while commuting by following these tips:

Where to Sit: Sit away from the door to avoid a purse or chain snatch.

Vigilance: It is crucial to pay attention to your surroundings at all times and be aware of any suspicious activities or individuals. Always stay alert and keep an eye out for any potential threats.

Prime Targets: Remember that cell phones and electronic devices are prime targets for thieves. Therefore, it’s recommended to keep your personal belongings close to you and avoid displaying any visible expensive items such as electronic devices or jewelry. Never carry your wallet in the outer compartment of your backpack or in your rear pants pocket. This will minimize the risk of theft or robbery.

Follow All Safety Rules and Regulations: Make sure not to block emergency exits. Doing so will ensure the safety of yourself and others around you.

Your Safety

This should always be your top priority while commuting. Passengers feeling uncomfortable or unsafe while using Calgary’s transit are encouraged to report any incidents to transit authorities or call the police immediately. The City of Calgary and the Calgary Transit Authority are committed to providing a safe and reliable transit system for all passengers. In addition, doing our part helps to ensure our Calgary Transit System remains a safe and convenient way to travel.

Final Thoughts

Winter is a beautiful season, but it also brings its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to transportation. Whether you’re commuting to work or running errands, the cold, snow, and ice can make getting around a stressful experience. Driving in adverse weather conditions, well let’s just say – it’s no fun! With that in mind, consider taking Calgary Transit and let someone else do the driving. It’s an easy way to keep stress out and stay calm throughout your day. Happy New Year!

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