Winter Biking in Marda Loop

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Calgary offers some great winter biking opportunities. In the past several years the city has made many improvements for cycling, including the addition of bike routes and lanes. To encourage year-round biking, the city clears snow from many of the pathways and bike lanes. The City of Calgary website is a great resource for winter cycling ( The website includes a map showing which paths have been cleared and also provides other useful information on winter cycling. With the amenities available in the Marda Loop area and the proximity to parks and downtown, there are many opportunities for year-round biking.

If you are planning to start winter biking, here are some tips to consider.

Choosing a safe route to your destination is an important starting point. Although the bike lanes and paths may not always be the most direct route to your destination, where possible, a slight detour to utilize these may make for a safer trip. One big difference between winter and summer cycling on roads where there is no dedicated bike lane is the loss of useable road space for bikes due to snowbanks. Altering your route to quieter streets may help avoid having to deal with traffic and reduced cycling space in these situations.

Having bike tires with a winter tread and possibly studs will help with traction. With the dry road and path conditions that are not uncommon in a Calgary winter, keep in mind that studs on a bare road surface do not have the same traction as an unstudded tire.

Be sure to wear a properly fitted helmet. Earmuffs or a helmet cover may be necessary to keep your head warm. Check with a bike shop for cold weather clothing options and have them confirm that your helmet is fitted properly. As you do more winter cycling, you will be able to sort out what clothing you need to keep warm, but not overheat. Fingers and toes can get quite cold so some experimenting may be required to find what works best for you.

If you have never ridden your bike in the snow, be sure to get some practice in a variety of snow conditions in a place that is safe with no traffic. A bike will handle differently in different snow conditions.

Be visible. Use a headlight and taillights and wear brightly coloured clothing. Even when it is not dark, you want to be sure to be visible to drivers, especially during grey winter days.

Ride defensively. Remember that vehicles will take longer to stop and can skid on snow and ice as well. Watch out for ice and snow piles that you might have to go around and make sure you are not swerving into traffic. Although it is not permitted, some residents and businesses shovel snow onto the bike lanes. Don’t be in a rush. Winter conditions require slower speeds, and as you are underway, you may want to detour to a safer route due to the conditions you are encountering. While out on your bike stay alert to changes in riding conditions and watch for ice. If there is an unavoidable ice patch that you have to cross, it is best to dismount and walk your bike across.

Winter cycling can be very enjoyable and an easy way to get around and the Marda Loop area is a great place to start.

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