Weaselhad Flats – Experience Nature in the City PBP Residents

PBP cn

by Marvin Levant

Delve into the only delta in our city. As the Elbow River flows into the Glenmore Reservoir it slows down, depositing sand and gravel, creating a network of bars, channels, and oxbow marsh areas at Weaselhead Flats. This type of habitat is called a delta, and it is host to a relatively unique array of plants and animals. The flats are also home to one of the largest stands of coniferous forest in the city.

Plant Life

The dominant White Spruce Forest is on the south shore, but very impressive individual trees are found interspersed in the predominantly deciduous forest on the flats and valley walls. The moister deciduous forest areas are primarily Balsam Poplar. Trembling Aspen occupies the dryer areas. Also, on the flats, is an extensive shrub community consisting mainly of tall Sandbar Willows and Water Birch.


This diverse habitat allows for a correspondingly wide variety of birds and other wildlife. In the open waters, look for Common Loons and Tundra Swans (species you are unlikely to see in other parks). The mud flats and sandbars are the haunts of shorebirds, such as Lesser Yellowlegs and American Avocet.

The coniferous forest is home to both Red and White-winged Crossbills who specialize in feeding on cones. In the mixed forests you can finds all three species of hummingbirds, found in Alberta – Calliope, Rufous, and Ruby-throated.

Being in the river valley, and with proximity to the countryside to the west, the flats provide the best place, in Calgary’s Park system, to catch a glimpse of a black bear.

Take the opportunity to explore what nature offers in this wonderful parkland at the doorstep of our community.


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