Rosscarrock President’s Message – August

Presidents Message Rosscarrock

Can you believe that we are almost halfway through our summer! As I am writing you, it is a bit of a rainy day. I’ve lit the fireplace (actually pushed a button and voila) and settled down with a nice glass of wine. I recalled that we haven’t had opportunity to discuss our results of our annual meeting.

Speaking of wine, we had our first wine and cheese after the Annual Meeting. It gave opportunity for those who attended to share not just a glass of wine, but also ideas and ask our board members about the direction our community is headed. Counsellor Woolley was present and he provided his thoughts on the community direction and what his team is working on in behalf of Ward Eight.

We said goodbye to some Board members that have served our community for extended periods. James Brunton was not only our previous Events Director, but he had also served as Vice-President, Chair of the Rental Committee  and when we weren’t as assignment specific, he was one that you could always find at whatever event we were hosting – especially our Canada Day events (he always lead this event)! Many in the community would see him there playing the guitar and coordinating the musical portion of the program. Behind all that he was meticulous in ensuring that the language of our bylaws and other contractual obligations would benefit our Association. He sought to understand and champion those with a lesser voice.  He’s not alone.

Renee Landry also served on the Board for many years. Both predated my appearance on the Board. Renee would champion many special projects for Rosscarrock. Our renovated playground is the result of a dedicated team lead by Renee. As is our annual Clean-up Day. I take pride in three pieces I helped assemble in the playground, especially when I see them used by our kids in the community. Mine must be a fraction of the satisfaction Renee experiences. Renee will continue to lead our Clean-up Day event and we are thankful for that.

Both Alastair Beddie and Michael Wilson served for shorter periods of time, yet they had a profound effect on the Board and our Association. Both have pioneered their particular files as directors.  These will be areas of focus as an Association. Mike held Development and chaired a number of ad hoc committees such as Nominating and Business Plan Committees. Alastair was our Program Director. These roles are critical to the direction that we will be pursuing passionately in the next few years.

All four have set a high standard for our new directors.  Five persons in our community have been elected to serve for a two year term. I look forward to the contributions of Hanna Oh, Ahmed Khan and our new Secretary –  Carrie Akister. I also welcome back Janice Wilson who has served in many capacities (including President) back to the Board.

The Board recesses for the months of July and August, but our Executive Committee will be working throughout the summer and we will work with all our directors to walk down new paths as a community when we convene again.

Until then, you can reach me at either [email protected] or [email protected].