Woodcreek’s November Message from the President

Presidents Message Woodcreek

On Saturday October 20th, the association hosted the annual Children’s Halloween. As with past years, it was a very successful, fun-filled, and energetic event with over 120 kids attending plus parents—many of whom also came in costume! I would like to thank our local Scouts for taking part in the event, planning some games, and lending a hand wherever necessary. They embodied what one would expect from the Scouts – thank you.

I would also be very amiss if I didn’t relay the actions of a number of our local grade 7, 8, 9, and 10 students. Unlike past years where we have been able to line-up volunteers ahead of time, this year we struggled to find enough volunteers. When some grade 7, 8, 9, and 10 students heard about the problem, they came forth and essentially rescued the event. The students, who are now attending different schools know each other from attending Woodlands and Woodbine elementary schools together, have fond memories of attending the annual Halloween event when they were ‘younger’ and wanted to keep the event alive for other kids. For these students this event has come full circle—they were once attendees and now they are contributing to making great memories for those younger than themselves. That’s very powerful and a tribute to the lasting positive impact these events have on our children.

To all of the students, Scouts, and volunteers who made this event possible—THANK YOU! All of you contributed to the making of many positive memories for a lot of young kids and as the song says, “That’s something to be proud of!”