June at Prince of Wales Elementary School

Categories Schools

Sunshine, green grass, and laughing, excited children are all signs that summer holidays are near. School at Prince of Wales Elementary School (POW) wraps up on June 28.

The last few months of school are always busy ones as the students embrace the warmer weather and participate in off-site field trips for experiential learning. As a part of the Calgary Campus Open Minds program, each of our grade three classes spent a whole week learning off-site: one class at the Calgary Zoo and two classes at City Hall. Grade four classes visited the OH Stampede Ranch and Reader Rock Garden. Grade fives will be spending two days in Waterton and grade sixes headed to off to Frank Slide and Bellveue Mine for two days. These are just a few examples of the many different ways students learn about the world outside the classroom.

All classes have been fortunate to join Indigenous elder, Shirley Hill, on trips to Fish Creek Park or into the school yard to learn more about the land around us. Shirley Hill has spent many hours with students at POW this year, sharing her culture and giving the whole school community a new respect and appreciation for the traditions of Alberta’s Indigenous peoples.

Many thanks to Shirley, as well as the many parents, grandparents, and other individuals who have shared their time and expertise with POW students this year. From visiting scientists to musicians to reading helpers, all of these individuals enrich students’ learning.

This has been a busy and exciting year for students, and we wish everyone a fabulous summer break!