November News from Bowness High School

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Upcoming Events at Bowness High School

Please go to the school website for more details and information. We hope to see you at these events!

Remembrance Day Ceremony (Nov 9, Friday)

NSS/HPAD info evening (Nov 15, Thursday)

Mainstage and Art Show/Sale (November 21-22) (Wednesday-Thursday) at 7:00-8:30

Art pieces done by Bowness students will be up for sale and display.

How Days Such As National Stress Awareness Week and World Kindness Day Are Impacting Bowness

With many students hard at work in academics, fine arts and athletics, taking care of your mental health is an important topic of discussion. Thus, we acknowledge National Stress Awareness Week (as well as the day) from November 5th to November 9th.

On November 13th, we celebrate World Kindness Day. This day reminds us of the importance of being kind everyday, no matter how small the gesture. It’s important to acknowledge that the people around you may be going through something you don’t know about, and a simple smile could make their day. Use this day to remind yourself to be kind to all everyday.

According to the Canadian government, 10 people in Canada commit suicide everyday as of 2016. Suicide has an immense impact on the people around the person who has passed. So, on November 17th, we recognize the family and friends of the people who have committed suicide. It’s important for these people to spread their stories for sympathy, as well as to spread awareness. With suicide being the ninth leading cause of death, we should educate ourselves on the subject of mental health to help prevent more suicides. Look for signs of mental illness in your loved ones such as isolation, changes in eating or sleeping, substance use, changes in grades or work performance, excessive worry, and so on. If someone you know is struggling with a mental illness, offer your support and suggest that they see a professional.