November News from St. Gerard School

Categories Schools

The dust has settled and here we are in November! Our three new teachers at St. Gerard have settled in and are offering students comprehensive programming and opportunities to engage with curriculum in meaningful ways while finding connections to community membership and service. Meanwhile, our returning teachers have mastered the art of mentorship in this profession through supporting one another while catering to the needs of all students entrusted to them. We are blessed to have such a nurturing and professional team!

Prayerfulness is an important aspect of the lives of Catholic educators, and in practice, we are mindful of the district’s new faith theme “Search and you will find” (Matthew 7:7) as we bridge those who are suffering or in need to the light of God through prayerful action and intent.

We said “goodbye” to St. Cecilia students and staff who occupied our school all last year and opened our doors in September to 111 new and returning students. Our class groupings remain relatively small, from 17 to 20 students across 6 classes of kindergarten to grade 6.

As School Council’s main fundraiser for this year, we are hosting a Math-a-thon which will close in the middle of this month. While the purpose of any fundraiser is to support school special events and activities that benefit students, the Math-a-thon’s academic application supports curriculum, and the work is intended to support the needs of students while not creating undue stress and anxiety for struggling learners and for families with monetary constraints.

Key dates in November:

  • 5th – 8th: Grade 3 & 4 swimming lessons
  • 9th: Remembrance Day liturgy
  • 20th: Celebration of Rosaries
  • 20th: School Council Meeting
  • 29th – 30th: Parent Teacher Interviews