Clearing Your Space, Feng Shui Style


by Kelly Kaur from Mount Royal

Stuck at home? Perhaps being tethered indoors is one way that some people may view the COVID-19 situation. Others may view this quarantine as a blessing in disguise, a chance to seek solace and safety within the four walls of their homes. However you view your situation, perhaps you may consider that this quarantine (or the end of it) as the perfect chance to reconnect with your home and to realize that your space can be energetically uplifted and be an ongoing positive haven for you. Here are some ways to amplify that beautiful energy in your home through feng shui principles.

The first way that everyone is familiar with is to declutter – again. I know that many people have already ventured into storage rooms, basements, kitchens, closets and drawers to clean up. In my first two days of staying home, I rearranged everything in my storage room, kitchen cupboards, and drawers. I immediately felt a sense of relief and could feel positive vibes circulating the newly organized spaces. Also, my storage room was in the Travel and Helpful People sector of my house. With a sad sigh, I knew that all my pending travel plans were to be, indefinitely, postponed. However, I wanted to invoke the positive energy of helpful people, like getting more work to finding good plumbers. Both wishes were successfully met.

The next simple thing that you can do is to open the doors and windows for a few minutes or as long as the weather permits to invite a circulation of fresh air to permeate your home. Feel that invigorating fresh, cool breeze? Also, go through your house and replace any dead light bulbs or broken doorbells. You don’t want lights that don’t work in any area of your house, say your wealth corner – banish that symbolic darkness by, simply, lighting up that space. Remember flowers and plants? They are perfect anywhere.

The next thing you can do is to uplift the energy level in your house is to perform a space clearing. There are so many simple ways to do this. Light your favourite incense sticks or try sage smudging. With safety in mind, go to all the corners of your home and let the incense or sage smoke waft all the way up and down all the corners of your home. You can also use the beam of your flashlight or a ringing bell to replace the stale and stuck energy in those corners of your house. Yes, you can use the power of all three, smell, light, and sound, to disperse old energy. Say your favourite prayer or positive words and invite good tidings into your space. A trusted feng shui practitioner has additional secret cures and ceremonies gathered from their specialized feng shui training to further bless your home and reenergize it. There is no such thing as too much good energy!

Finally, check your front door and make sure that it is inviting. Oil those squeaky hinges. Wipe that dusty door. Have a beautiful mat outside. Time to show off your gardening prowess with flowers and plants. Hang a large Swarovski crystal or a high-quality wind chime (e.g. Woodstock) outside your front door as the light and sound will break the stagnated energy, clear the space, and guide good chi into your house.

Every single time that I perform a space clearing, I can feel positivity and hope permeate my personal cosmos. If I am going to be quarantined at home, I am definitely going to declutter, put my incense sticks to work, buy some happy flowers, get fresh air circulating, and pretty up my front entrance. Really, with all that extra time inside, what better way to make sure that I spruce up my interior sanctuary?