It’s not always easy to maintain a physically active lifestyle. That’s why Alberta Health Services (AHS) What’s Your Balance? wellness initiative is encouraging Albertans to increase their physical activity and find a healthy balance in their daily lives.
“With the busy lifestyles we currently lead, it can be a challenge for people to feel like they can make healthy lifestyle choices. But, it’s really not as hard as it may seem. There are small changes you can make to fit into your daily routine,” says Graham Matsalla, AHS Health Promotion Facilitator.
As part of AHS’ commitment to healthy communities, AHS is encouraging Albertans to learn about active transportation and change up their daily commute. Active transportation refers to any form of human-powered transportation including walking, running, cycling, snowshoeing, skateboarding and using manual wheelchairs.
“By changing how you commute to and from work, you’re increasing your chances of meeting the recommended 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity per week,” Matsalla adds.
Parking further away from the office, getting off a transit stop earlier, or walking to work can make a difference on your overall health and wellness. Regularly meeting the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines and reducing time spent sitting has great health benefits, including reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and some forms of cancer.
Already have an energized commute? Inspire others and share what you’re doing using the hashtag #AHSwhatsyourbalance.