Safely Enjoy Your Outdoor Fire and be a Good Neighbour

fire pit  e
Free-Photos / Pixabay

Many Calgarians enjoy having an outdoor fire. Ensure your fire meets Calgary’s Community Standards bylaw regulations for your safety and enjoyment, as well as your neighbours.

Remember, always check to ensure no fire bans are in effect.

Fire Pit Safety

  1. Fire pits must be at least two metres away from your property line, house, garage, or fence.
  2. Fire pits must NOT be under any trees, branches, plants or other materials that can catch fire.
  3. All fires in your fire pit must be kept to a reasonable size; 1 metre high and wide. A mesh screen or ‘spark guard’ is now required in order to reduce the spread of embers and sparks from wood-burning fire pits. The openings in the mesh screen must not be greater than 1.24 cm across.
  4. Only burn clean, dry firewood. Do NOT burn:
    1. Wood that is painted, treated or contains glue or resin
    2. Wood from a different location, region or province
    3. Wet or green/fresh cut wood
    4. Yard waste (put cut grass and leaves in your green cart for composting)
    5. Garbage
    6. Rubber or plastic
    7. Furniture
  5. Always have a way to put out the fire close to your fire pit. Easy options are your watering hose or a bucket of water.
  6. All fires in your fire pit must be continually supervised.

Fire Pit Hours

Fire pits may only be used:

  • Between 10 a.m. and midnight, Sunday – Thursday; or
  • Between 10 a.m. and 1 a.m., Friday and Saturday.

The bylaw includes fines for unsafe fires and burning prohibited materials, so it pays to understand the bylaw. For more information, visit If you have a concern or complaint about fire pits, call 311. If a fire is out of control, call 9-1-1.