Staying Healthy in Spring


Spring is here and it’s the season to get outside and be active! As we shake off the natural urge to rest and keep warm and we start to become more active outside we should be mindful on how we support our bodies through the transition of winter to spring.

From the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the foundations of the Five Elements, spring belongs to the wood element and is dominated by the liver and gall bladder. These two organs work together to move blood and bile and play pivotal roles in spleen and lung health—which can affect our immunity to seasonal allergies, tendons—which can impact flexibility and strength, emotions–which can elevate or decrease stress and anxiety.

While there are many ways to support the liver and gall bladder, the following are a few ways we can support these organs during their peak time of performance:


  • Incorporate more foods that support the liver such as onions, leeks, wheat, dates, cilantro, mushrooms, spinach, dill, pickles, vinegar, kimchi, lemon, lime, asparagus
  • Continue to steam vegetables and try not to drink too much cold liquids.


  • Move and stretch – get the blood pumping and energy circulating
  • Take advantage of the warmer weather and longer days. Do outdoor activities but ensure the clothing reflects the weather and don’t leave the body exposed to the cool wind.


  • Make a plan on what we want to accomplish in the coming months and set the intentions to make it happen.

Spring is an exciting season. Start moving, eat appropriately and stay healthy!