Work Week Activities to Improve Fitness

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mohamed_hassan / Pixabay

Finding time to exercise during the work week can be challenging. For many of us, most of the daylight hours are consumed preparing for work, commuting to and from work and…working.

Experts recommend a minimum of 2 ½ hours of moderate activity a week. To qualify as “moderate”, an activity should increase your breathing rate and speed up your heart rate.

Examples of moderate activity include brisk walking, slow jogging or climbing stairs.

The good news is that achieving the recommended activity time doesn’t have to happen all at once, or even in big chunks. Health Canada recommends activity in periods of at least 10 minutes at a time, so you can add a few minutes here and there throughout your work day and they all add up to a healthier you.

A few ways you can increase activity throughout the work day include:

  • Parking a few blocks further away from work or getting off the bus a few stops early and walking a bit further at the start and/or end of the day
  • Using the stairs instead of the elevator for trips up and down floors in office buildings
  • Take a quick walk to the nearest coffee shop rather than making coffee in the lunch room
  • Use the washroom two floors up or down
  • Use half your lunch hour for some kind of activity – organize a walk club or challenge and invite colleagues to add some activity to their days as well
  • Take advantage of fitness classes offered at many gyms immediately before or after work

Over time, adding in a bit of extra activity throughout the work week will give you energy and focus – helping you make the most of your time off and weekends!