Renfrew In Review Five-Year Business Plan

Renfrew cn

The Renfrew Community Association Five-year Business Plan (the full version will be available on the website soon), sets out the vision, mission, and goals of the Board. Our Vision for the Renfrew Community Association is to be a:

• Connected inclusive community with an active and engaged membership

• Vibrant and supportive neighbourhood

• Safe and sustainable place to live and grow families and businesses

Our Mission aims to be an inclusive, friendly community where individuals and families can flourish and feel welcome. We aim to build a strong community by providing and promoting programs, services and activities aimed at connecting neighbours and fostering involvement in our community.

The Goals for the next 5 years are:

• Increasing membership and in turn increasing volunteers

• Reactivating relationships with Renfrew Businesses

• Recruitment, recognition, retention and succession planning

• Re-organize Board Positions and responsibilities

• Consistent communication

• Create community engagement through large events

• Create a member discount for hall rentals

• Confirm financial sustainability for the Community Association

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