Mental Health Moment: How to Create Personal Happiness


Creating personal happiness is a multifaceted journey that varies for each individual. The following are some tips to guide you to a more fulfilling and content life:

  1. Self-Awareness – Understand yourself. What are your values, strengths, weaknesses, and what already makes you feel happy. Think about how you show up in the world. Read a book or listen to a podcast on emotional intelligence.
  2. Positive Mindset – Cultivate a positive outlook on life. Focus on gratitude, optimism, and self-compassion. Smile more and give compliments. It’s okay to acknowledge unhappy times and feelings, accept them and then move on.
  3. Healthy Relationships – Seek to surround yourself with supportive, positive people who uplift you, encourage your growth, and contribute to your happiness. Become friends with yourself. Go out to dinner or a movie alone.
  4. Work-Life Balance – Create healthy boundaries around working hours and away from work disconnection. Prioritize activities that bring you joy and fulfilment outside of your work and work responsibilities. Create weekly structure and habits.
  5. Self-Care – Take care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Focus on exercise, nutrition, sleep, and stress management. Slow down and breathe. Journal your thoughts and feelings. Spend less time on socials and your phone.
  6. Set Goals – Establish realistic and meaningful goals. Ensure these align with your personal values, character, and aspirations. Remember to celebrate your progress and milestones along the way. Avoid comparing yourself to others. What you see outwardly may not be as it seems. Plan something new, like a trip, to look forward to.
  7. Be Mindful and Present – Practice mindfulness to stay in the moment. Appreciate the small things happening daily. Declutter your space. A disorganized, cluttered space creates anxiety and can be distracting.
  8. Contribute – Find a purpose. Seek the fulfilment of giving back to others. Volunteer, practice random acts of kindness, or support a cause you believe in. Having things to do keeps your mind engaged leaving less time for rumination.
  9. Learn and Grow – Seek opportunities for personal and professional development. Learning new things and personal growth significantly contribute to happiness. Trying new things is also a great way to meet new people.
  10. Acceptance – Embrace imperfections and accept yourself as you are, while also striving for growth and improvement. Accept the things you have the power to change and let go of the ones that are out of your control. It’s okay to fail. Learn to let go and practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is for you, not the other. Holding onto resentments is like drinking poison and expecting the other to die.

Personal happiness is an ongoing journey. You don’t have to do it all alone. Seek support from friends, family, coaches, mentors, or mental health professionals along the way.


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