Be YardSmart


Did you know? Calgaryʼs drinking water is supplied by the Bow and Elbow watersheds, which face many pressures, including a changing climate and growing population. You can help build resilient watersheds by creating a YardSmart yard. Use our new design guides to plant a beautiful garden bed that, once established, takes little time, effort, and water to maintain.

Designs include:

  • Layouts and plant suggestions for all areas of your yard – sunny, shady, wet, or a combination of sun and shade.
  • A brand-new native wildflower design that creates habitat for pollinators and promotes biodiversity. Included is step-by-step information on planting, watering, and maintenance.

Created in partnership with The Calgary Horticultural Society, these garden beds are designed to thrive in Calgary.

More YardSmart tips:

  • Find trees and shrubs that are hardy enough for our unique climate. For Calgary, choose plants labelled hardiness zone 2 or 3.
  • Having a good depth of quality soil ensures your plants can access more water. A layer of at least six to eight inches of soil is recommended. Adding compost is the best way to improve soil depth.
  • Capture free rainwater in a rain barrel and use it on your trees, shrubs, and flower beds.

Visit to access our garden bed designs and for a library of gardening tips, tools, and resources.