Start of Crushing Operations at North Gravel Site

gravel pit
Capri23auto / Pixabay

Activity and Location: KGL Constructors have moved crushing equipment into place and will be starting crushing at its north gravel site near the intersection of Old Banff Coach Road and 101 Street S.W. Gravel produced at this site will provide a significant portion of the material needed for the Southwest Calgary Ring Road, including gravel for retaining walls, pipe bedding and backfill, and asphalt and base material.

To minimize the impact of this work on neighbouring areas, KGL is taking the following measures:

  • A berm has been constructed between the gravel operation and community:

o 4 metres tall and 20 metres wide.

  • A minimum 10 metre buffer has been left between the community and berm:

o Trees will be planted in the buffer area, where there are no existing trees.

  • Ongoing noise and dust monitoring:

o Air quality and noise monitoring equipment has been installed on site and all provincial and project thresholds will be observed.

o The crushing equipment will be located beneath ground level (a minimum of two metres below natural ground surface) to reduce noise and dust.

  • A dust suppression program will be implemented:

o Including watering, seeding applications and dust adhesives.

  • Equipment will be fitted with alternatives to traditional back-up alarms.
  • Site lighting will only be used as needed and oriented away from the community.

The dust suppression and air monitoring program, along with other mitigation measures, will ensure that dust and fine particulates remain within the levels directed by health and safety regulations and guidelines.

The extraction of gravel from this location will create a lower profile for the future West Calgary Ring Road, resulting in better sightlines and reduced noise for adjacent communities, as well as creating a safer and more efficient highway.

Work Dates: May 2017 to 2021

Restricted Work Hours: Monday to Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and Sundays and holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., info@SWCRRproject.