December – Councillor Diane Colley-Urquhart’s Report


Seasons Greetings!

I want to first of all say how much I appreciate being re-elected by the residents of Ward 13 as your Councillor and City Official for the next four years! It is an honour and a privilege to continue being your voice at City Hall.

On behalf of Choi and Anthony, I want to extend our warm wishes for the best of the holiday season to you and your family.

SNIC (Snow & Ice Removal)

With winter upon us and snowflakes hitting our city streets, it’s a good idea to re-familiarize everyone with the City’s SNIC program. Roads has a pre-planned, measured response to snowfall that helps make roads safe. The City maintains roads during winter months by:

  • Anti-icing before a snow event;
  • Sanding, salting and plowing roads; and
  • Snow fencing where required.

Roads are cleared based on a Council-approved priority system. The more traffic there is on a road, the higher the priority. The highest priority roads are classified as Priority 1s. The lowest are Priority 4s. Roads is responsible for clearing snow and ice from public roadways and LRT stations. Parks is responsible for the pathway system. For more information, visit For an interactive map to see updates on road clearing in our streets, visit

Snow Angels

Keeping sidewalks free of ice and snow can be very challenging for seniors and people with limited mobility. Through Snow Angels, you are encouraged to be a good neighbour by clearing snow for those who need assistance.

How to be a Snow Angel

To be a Snow Angel all you have to do is adopt a sidewalk and keep it clear when it snows. Watch for people in your neighbourhood who could use help removing snow and lend them a hand.

Nominate your Snow Angel

You can recognize your Snow Angel by either:

  • Calling 311;
  • Filling out a Snow Angel 311 online service request form; or
  • Sending a letter telling us your Snow Angel story.