October 2022 MLA Report – Calgary Fishcreek – Richard Gotfried

Calgary Fish Creek

October brings crisp winds, cooler nights, shorter days and a notable “change of season”. It is also a time to gather with friends and family in a spirt of warmth, hospitality and generosity as we give thanks for the bounty of summer. Every year I reflect on what I am grateful for, and this year is no different. Family, friends, health and the privilege of serving as your MLA this past 7 ½ years are all some of my most treasured blessings. Life is not always easy, such as the passing of loved ones, such as the recent loss of my only sibling, but the hard times pass easier when we focus on life-long gratitude and service to others.

The shifts in life can be difficult, just as the passing of Summer to Fall and the leaves shifting from green to yellows, oranges and browns which begin to cover our lawns. While this change in season and colours is just another reminder of the circle of life, all of us can look for “green initiatives” in our everyday activities to keep our lawns, flower gardens, and trees healthy over the colder months. Many of us live close to Fish Creek Park, so please remember not to dump any garden waste in the Park. There is an ecosystem balance that the Park maintains in protection of natural and native species, and we must be vigilant in protecting it. All yard waste (except sod) can be disposed of free of charge at the City of Calgary landfill sites through November 5th. So, if it does not all fit in your green bin, please consider taking it directly to them. Leaves, tree branches, grass clippings, and plants all help breakdown compost and provide nutrient rich soil for the coming years. Please help keep our natural green spaces on either City of Calgary or Provincial Park land healthy and protected. If you have questions on what can or cannot happen on either City or Provincial Park land, please see Parks and recreation (calgary.ca) or AlbertaParks.ca; both are excellent resources.

Session is scheduled to start on October 31st. This date could change, as Alberta will have a new Premier on October 6th, and it would be reasonable to expect a renewed agenda and some policy and Cabinet shifts to be accelerated. Please watch my Facebook page for updates on any happenings in Edmonton. I would encourage anyone that has questions and/or concerns to please reach out to my office for information or to book a call or meeting. Happy Thanksgiving and a safe Halloween to all!

MLA – Calgary Fishcreek Richard Gotfried proudly serves the following Communities: Bonavista Downs, Deer Ridge, Deer Run, Diamond Cove, Lake Bonavista, Midnapore , Parkland, Queensland , Sundance