October 2022 MLA Report – Calgary North – Muhammad Yaseen

Calgary North

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Following strong economic momentum and solid results in the first quarter of 2022-23, Alberta’s government is moving forward with plans to lower the debt burden and increase savings now and for the future. A surplus of $13.2 billion is allowing the government to pay down its debt by another $13.4 billion this fiscal year. Paying down the debt is one of our key priorities. We also intend to invest a historic $1.7 billion into the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund and keep the $1.2 billion earned last year in the fund rather than transfer it to government’s General Revenue Fund, for a total of $2.9 billion. Maintaining and growing this valued fund is vital to our continued economic strength, with investment earnings cushioning the province from future economic ups and downs. We will continue to explore measures to make life more affordable for Albertans, pay down the debt, and invest in the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund. This is an opportunity to continue to stabilize the province’s finances and strengthen our economic future. We are also resuming indexation of the personal income tax system to match inflation, beginning for the 2022 tax year.

Sound fiscal management helped to get us here! This principle will continue to direct our decision making for investing and spending wisely to put Alberta on stable economic ground.

I want to thank my constituents for your continued support. Please know that I am available to meet in person and by phone at your convenience. As always, it is my great honour to serve as your MLA.

MLA – Calgary North Muhammad Yaseen proudly serves the following Communities: Carrington, Evanston, Hidden Valley, Panorama Hills