October 2022 MLA Report – Calgary Beddington – Josephine Pon

Calgary Beddington

Thanksgiving is upon us, and one of the things I am grateful for is the beautiful park areas we have in our area. Make sure you take time to get outside and experience all the delightful sights and scents Autumn brings us.

I would love to hear what you are thankful for this year. Send me an email with the subject ‘Thanksgiving’ to [email protected] and I will post a selection of them in my online newsletter. Not signed up? Email the above address with your request.

Halloween Open House: Join us for a treat and a chat Saturday, October 29 from noon until 1:30 pm. Every constituent in costume will get an entry into a draw for a $25 Tim Hortons Gift Card (or their parent or guardian if under 18). I am looking forward to seeing all of your amazing and creative costumes!

The location is unconfirmed at this time, please check my social media or sign up for my newsletter for updated details. Facebook: @JosephinePon. Twitter: @PonJosephine.

I am honoured to represent you and your family, and thankful for the trust you have placed in me to be your voice in our beautiful Calgary-Beddington at the Alberta Legislative Assembly.

Josephine Pon

Your MLA for Calgary-Beddington

MLA – Calgary Beddington Josephine Pon proudly serves the following Communities: Beddington Heights, Country Hills, Huntington Hills, MacEwan Glen, Sandstone Valley