November – MLA Mike Ellis’ Report


If you receive email updates from the UCP Official Opposition caucus, you may have seen a video from our interim leader, Nathan Cooper, talking about the federal government’s proposals to change the small business tax code. As Nathan points out in his video, while this is a federal issue, its ramifications go far beyond the realms of the federal government, and as such it is what I want to focus on in this newsletter column.

Every day in my role as your MLA, I talk to someone who owns or is employed by a small business. To say they are the lifeblood of our economy would be an understatement. Over 70% of the workforce in Canada is employed by small businesses. The changes that the government is proposing is nothing short of a tax grab – off the backs of people who have risked everything to start and operate their small business. Being a small business owner is an occupation that doesn’t come with sick days, time off, paid holidays or a pension. It is something that comes from a desire to create something new.

What the federal government is proposing is ridiculous. Period. If you agree, I strongly suggest you reach out to the federal minister of Finance by emailing [email protected] as well as to Ron Liepert, our MP. Ron has been pushing hard on this issue, and I know would also appreciate your support on it.

Mike Ellis, MLA
