Brentwood’s Development and Transportation Committee Update for January


New Rules for Short Term Rentals

Submitted by Melanie Swailes on behalf of the Development and Transportation Committee

Do you operate a Short-Term Rental? If so, there are new rules that come into effect on January 1, 2024. For complete details, see the City of Calgary website at Effective January 1, if you rent out any home or portion of the home, you must have a valid Business Licence for the STR, regardless of how frequently or infrequently you rent out the unit.

How can you find out if a short-term rental has a valid license? There are about 5,700 STRs in Calgary. If they have a license, they will be on this map: If a unit is not on the map, it might be a licensed “Bed and Breakfast”, which falls under a separate category. If it is an unregistered STR operating without a license, then complaints can be submitted to 3-1-1 (online, phone, text).

What is Defined as a Short-Term Rental?

Most people are familiar with Airbnb or VRBO. The City’s definition is “the business of providing temporary accommodation for compensation, in a dwelling unit or portion of a dwelling unit for periods of up to 30 consecutive days.” Note that an STR may be either a full dwelling (such as renting out a whole condo or house) or a portion of a dwelling (such as a basement or a room in your condo). Either way, new rules will apply.

Why are the New Rules Needed?

According to the City, these amendments aim to strike a balance between enabling the economic benefits for short-term rentals and minimizing the negative impacts on the community. The rules are intended to:

• Enhance safety of the STR unit

• Reduce negative impacts on the community

• Ensure greater accountability

What if I Have a Secondary Suite? Can I Use That as a STR?

Yes, but the host must have a short-term rental licence. The secondary suite must be fully compliant with all the bylaws and building codes for a secondary suite, including being on the registry.

What are the New Rules?

As of January 2024, you must have a valid business licence for the STR.

The requirements include:

• Licence inspector review

• Annual fire inspections done by Calgary Fire Department to ensure compliance with all life safety requirements

• Proof of insurance indicating the location is operating as a business

• Proof of ownership of the dwelling unit or written owner consent

• If in a condo, written proof from the condo board that short-term rentals are permitted

You must also include:

• A floor plan of the dwelling unit or portion of the dwelling unit offered, including:

o Dimensions of the rooms

o All rooms for rent, including all rooms offered as bedrooms or available for the purpose of sleeping (living rooms with a fold out couch for example)

o Location of all smoke alarms and fire extinguishers

o Location of fire exits

In addition, the following regulations apply:

• Maximum number of guests (no more than two adults per room)

• Overlapping bookings (the host cannot rent out separate rooms to separate guests under separate reservations)

• Advertising (the host must include the business license number in any advertising for the STR)

• Emergency contact information must be available

• A guest record must be kept for each transaction

What if a Host Does Not Comply with the Bylaws? Are There Fines for Non-Compliance?

The City’s approach is to achieve voluntary compliance for bylaws whenever possible. Failing to abide by the regulations can result in a $1,000 fine for each offense upon conviction.

If you rent out your home or part of your home, it’s up to you to get a license and learn the rules. The City website also has a ‘Good Host Guide’ and a ‘Good Guest Guide’ to provide knowledge on best practices. If you are a neighbour being impacted by an STR nearby, complaints should be submitted to 3-1-1 (online, phone, text).

If you are interested in community planning and redevelopment issues, we welcome new members to join us. We meet at 7:00 pm on the first Monday of every month in the Sportsplex Boardroom. Contact the BCA for more information at [email protected] or at 403-284-3477.

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