Cambrian Heights Notes for July 2023

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We hope that everyone has been enjoying the summer and the July celebration of the Calgary Stampede. Your board continues to work on future social planning events as well as organizing fall programs and reacting to the increasing development activity within the community through the City Development Program approval process. New houses are being built with larger two-story footprints and soon we will be seeing the multi family structures prevalent in our neighbouring communities being proposed around changing land use applications. If you have comments on new development, please contact our Planning Committee as identified on our website.

We hosted on July 15 our second Die Volksmesse car show on the community hall grounds. In addition, we have recently added a church group and committed to two fall Scottish country dancing group programs. One each on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Consider joining in for an evening of dancing lessons for only a $2 fee. Check our website at for further details and any updates. Our yoga and fitness programs will be returning in September as detailed in the poster announcements found in this issue of the newsletter or our website. We also hope to have an outdoor event in September as a close to our summer.

As previously reported, there are two gardening projects in our community. The most recent project focuses on the re-design and planting of flowers at the park space bordering Cambrian and Northmount Drives. This project is being undertaken by a group of volunteers from the community in response to City Parks cutting back on such activity. I have attached a picture reflecting the work done to date. We believe this park is a central gateway to the community and deserves further development in the future. At some point, we may consider designing and installing signage to identify our community. If you wish to get involved with this project, please let us know by emailing us.

Our second garden project is a demonstration garden sponsored by the Alberta Low Impact Development Partnership (“ALIDP”) at the rear of the community hall. The ALIDP garden is a provincially sponsored project that identifies low maintenance natural plants designed for Alberta weather conditions as an alternative to high water demand grass lawns. Come visit the garden behind the hall that is also being monitored and studied by the University of Calgary for natural moisture levels.

The community is in need of volunteers to replace our treasurer and our social media director, both of whom have retired this year. These are critical positions for the community association controlling our finance and communications activities. We are also down to only five directors, which restricts our ability to plan events or programs. This is an opportunity to join an experienced team and help develop the programs, events, and planning for Cambrian Heights. To discuss these volunteer opportunities and others, please contact us at [email protected].

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

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