July President’s Message for Cambrian Heights


At the writing of this report, the province is moving into Stage 2 of its reopening plan. While this allows some improvements to indoor activities it still restricts indoor social and group exercise programs. The province has set a target for moving to Stage 3, the removal of nearly all pandemic related restrictions, to late June or early July. We will continue to monitor the health protocols and our ability to open the hall for our programs and rentals. Updates will be provided on our website at www.cambrianheightscommunity.com. We are accepting summer and fall rental inquiries and reservations, subject to COVID protocols, at [email protected], or at 403-284-1175. We are anticipating a return to normal activities in the community hall by September.

Another successful clean-up was held on May 30, made possible by Bent Nielsen and his group of volunteers from both Cambrian Heights and Rosemont communities. This is the fifth year such a program has been undertaken, except for the 2020 year where the City, due to the pandemic, cancelled all such programs.

The Alberta Low Impact Development Partnership is planning to create a “rain garden” beside the Community Hall, demonstrating plants that will flourish in southern Alberta under natural conditions. This program is designed to showcase plant species that will thrive under storm water management. For more information, please access their website at www.alidp.org. We are excited about this garden addition and will be providing updates through our website and community social media platforms.

We continue to highlight the design and work being undertaken towards improving the Off Leash Park as described in this newsletter and on the “digital brochure” accessible through the Cambrian Heights website. Comments on the design may continue to be provided through that website. Work has commenced and some 49 new trees planted by Calgary Parks at locations selected by the volunteer committee and illustrated in the design layout. We hope to be able to start the fundraising for other additions as the province moves to remove all pandemic related gathering restrictions.

To celebrate a return to normal community activities, we are discussing a September afternoon gathering with live music, non-alcoholic drinks, and food. This will allow all community residents to gather at the hall and grounds to provide their input around promoting social and educational activities for the remainder of 2021 and into 2022. Like always, volunteers interested in community involvement are encouraged to come forward to assist in the planning and organization of this event and new programs for the future. If you are able to help out in any way, please contact us at [email protected].

From your Community Association Board, we wish everyone a happy and safe summer as we gradually return to normal after the challenges of the last 18 months.

Stay Safe and Active,

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA