Rosemont’s November Message from the President

Presidents Message Rosemont

I get to start this report with wonderful news about our beloved dog park. After significant opposition from Rosemont and Cambrian residents, the city has withdrawn its application to annex it as part of the cemetery. This is wonderful news and couldn’t have happened without your help, so THANK YOU to everyone who wrote letters, attended open houses and spread the word. I want to also thank the Parks Department for listening to our concerns.

I would like to thank Hanna Cedergren, Sara Stephenson, Jacquie Brennen and all the fantastic Rosemont School volunteers who put on our fantastic children’s Halloween Party! The hall was decorated up fantastically and everyone had a spooky and wonderful time… Thanks to everyone who helped make this such a success. We can’t do it without volunteers like you.

I would like to invite all the residents of Rosemont to the:

ROSEMONT Annual General Meeting

That will be held

Tuesday November 20

starting at 7 pm.

We will review the activities that have shaped our Community over the past year and try to look at what the next year holds in store for us.

In attendance will be our MLA, Craig Coolahan, to help provide an update from the legislature.

We have also invited our Ward 4 Councillor, Sean Chu, to provide us with updates from city hall and any news impacting Rosemont and the community at large. Our great city rep, Aaron, will be there to review any concerns or questions people may have with City hall.

We’ve invited our new principal from Rosemont School to give us an update on everything that going on at the best school in Calgary and our police liaison will update us on any crime stats for the area. We will have Corinna from Families Matter give us an overview of the Rosemont programs and how the first year in their new home has gone.

We have seen a number of new faces move into the Community this year. I would encourage all Rosemont residents to invite some of their new neighbors to come out to the AGM and meet the rest of the neighborhood. We will use the same informal format we used the past few years, which I thought worked very well.

Speaking of neighbours, catch up with yours at our monthly community tea. Held from 10am-12pm on Nov 16 and Dec 14. Bring a little goodie to share if you can, if not just bring yourself. For information call Jean Blackstock at 403-284-9825 or 403-305-9447 (transportation available).

You may have seen (or may see) some friends of Rosemont going door-to-door with our membership drive. Be sure to say hi and sign up for your annual membership. You can also use the form included in this newsletter (bring it to the AGM) or sign up online (

With the early blast of October snow we got, we are hoping that our outdoor rinks will have a great start to the year. We are calling on any interested people to come down to the Rinks any Monday or Thursday nights after November 12 after 8pm. We start by making a frozen base, which usually requires going every night for a couple of weeks until we can start making the good ice. This is of course weather-dependent but look for signs of life out on the rink and come on out and help us make the best outdoor ice in Calgary!

In addition to our newsletter, we have lots of ways to stay connected:

  • Visit for all information such as hall rental info, events and membership signup
  • Sign up for email reminders of upcoming events on our homepage
  • Follow us on Twitter @RosemontYYC