Tuxedo Park Needs You!


Are you interested in getting to know your community and neighbours? Do you want to give back to your community? Do you want to be the first to know about developments coming into Tuxedo Park? Do you want to have a voice in the decisions made at City Hall about Tuxedo Park

Join the Tuxedo Park Community Association Board of Directors! We’re looking for forward-thinking, fun-loving, community-minded volunteers who can spare just a few hours a month to help us improve our neighbourhood (and beef up their resumes in the process). We’re looking for the following:

  • Board Members: As our AGM approaches, the TPCA has director positions open. This is a great time to join our board, learn board procedures, beef up your resume, and help your community.
  • Programming Committee Members: Volunteers needed to help develop and facilitate the fantastic free programming offered through the TPCA.
  • Membership Committee Chair and Members: People-focused volunteers to help recruit and maintain individual, family, and business memberships for the TPCA.
  • Social Committee Members: Volunteers who love a great event are welcome on our Social Committee.
  • Santa Photos: December 3, 2022, we need volunteers to help welcome guests, serve hot chocolate, clean up, and assist Santa.
  • Treasurer and Finance Committee Members: Fiscally minded volunteers with bookkeeping, business, or accounting experience who can help maintain the financial health of our association.
  • Communications Committee Members: People to join our existing communications team to help spread the word about how much Tuxedo Park has to offer.

Contact Anne at [email protected] today to see how you could work with and join our team! Or, just drop in to one of our open general meetings held on the second Thursday of every month (except July and August) at 7:00 pm at the Tuxedo Park Community Hall or virtually.

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