PBP President’s Message – December


Serve your community as a Board Member of PBPCA

With many changes taking place in the City, we have a tremendous opportunity to have impact in our community and the surrounding area. That opportunity can only be seized with the participation of engaged community members. As such, we are seeking a few new faces to join the CA Board. Being a Board member really doesn’t take too much time and it is a great opportunity to meet community residents. Community members are welcome to our meetings on the first Tuesday of each month. Think of it as a test drive to see if you would like to come along for the ride!

Email me at [email protected] to learn more.


Keep the rink in tip-top shape

One of the most popular facilities at the PBP is the skating rink. Our rink crew can always use an additional volunteer or two.

Email Jill at [email protected] to connect with the Rink crew.


Events are hopping at PBP

Our community center is busier than you might think. Many events are open to all members of the community. Please join us in December for our Christmas Market and Cookies with Santa. No admission, but we ask that you bring non-perishable food items for the 30th annual Mayor’s Food Drive (coordinated by the Calgary Food Bank).


Join us at the Annual General Meeting (and eat cookies!)

Another great way to engage with our PBP Community Association is attending our Annual General Meeting. You can find out what we’ve been up to, learn about our initiatives for the coming year, and, we will probably feed you snacks and drinks! The 2019 meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 5 at the community center and starts at 7 pm. Please join us.


Have impact on the future vision of our Community

Soon, the City will be engaging residents in development through a district model. That model will combine adjacent communities to solicit feedback. We need to be prepared and a Community Visioning Committee has been created to identify objectives for how WE want our community to develop in the future. It is imperative that PBP is proactive in order to be effective in this new model. If you are not able to join our Board, please consider serving on this committee as more voices will lead to better results.

Send a note to me at [email protected] to get involved.


On behalf of the Community Board and staff, we would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays!



Brennen Jaques