Discovery Ridge’s Letter from the Board for September

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Hello fellow residents,

We hope you enjoyed the incredible summer weather and had a chance to relax with family and friends.

We just have a few key updates this month:

Firstly, a very big thank-you to our sponsors for the DRCA Music in the Park event. A special shoutout to our long-time headline sponsor David Pellettier for his continued support of the community. We would also like to thank Deputy Premier and Calgary West MLA, Mike Ellis, Ron Liepert, MP, Calgary Ward 6 community event grant, ULS Landscaping, Cutting Edge Barber Shop, Discovery Fine Wines & Spirits, Discovery Dental Centre, No Payne Roofing, Home Spritz, Westhills United Soccer Association, Chek Health, Grizzly Paw Pub, and Cheryl Sanguinetti Mortgages. It is only with the financial support of our sponsors and our volunteers that the DRCA is able to host great events. So thank you all.

Secondly, please renew your annual DRCA membership fee of $25 on our website:

At only seven cents per day, you help support your community association to be the voice of your community and support community events.

Thirdly, please take a few moments to read the Waste & Recycling Services’ and the DRCA Planning Committee’s articles.

Fourthly, please review the NDHA article, especially regarding any outstanding annual fees.

Lastly, if you are interested in joining our monthly DRCA meetings or joining the board, please email us at [email protected].

Enjoy the beautiful fall weather!

On behalf of your DRCA Board

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