Killarney-Glengarry’s Safety Corner for April 2023

2023 sure is going quickly. We are now in the spring months, which means travel season is now upon us.

Last month, I mentioned that this month’s topic will be “what to do when you are missing a part from your vehicle, specifically the catalytic converter?” I am not sure how many people ask this question, however, I have had someone close to me go through this exact event.

Back in January, my friend noticed her vehicle making a strange sound. When she had stopped safely to take a look, she noticed that her catalytic converter had been stolen while she was visiting some friends. This even was in broad daylight (between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm). Long story short, the thief got away with quite a valuable prize.

So, what can you do when something like this happens to you? What my friend taught me was simple: never stress yourself out with the situation.

Here’s a few steps that my friend took:

1) Immediately get off the road safely.

2) Check for any issues. This includes checking under the vehicle.

3) If anything is missing, contact the local police and report a crime.

4) Call your insurance company, explain the situation, and help fill out any reports they may require.

5) Follow instructions of insurance company in regards to getting the vehicle ready for repairs.

6) Allow the shop to replace the converter with a new one.

There are other things that can be done as well. After this situation ended, both my friend and I discussed what else can be done to further curb theft of an important part of your vehicle.

1) Park in well-lit areas.

2) Etch the VIN of your vehicle on your catalytic converter.

3) Install an anti-theft device.

I would like to end this article with a recommendation. For those who own vehicles, I recommend the VIN be etched on your catalytic converters. To find out where you can get the etching done, feel free to contact our brave men and women at CPS.

Until next month, let’s continue to keep our community safe by looking out for each other.

Richard Bankert

KGCA Director – Safe Streets/Traffic