North Glenmore Park’s March President’s Message

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March can be such a dreary month. The weather is unpredictable. The winter feels endless and you can just taste spring in the air. How do you get through the doldrums? For me, I turn St. Patrick’s Day into something fun for my family and I look for a new activity to try that takes me out of my comfort zone.

Take a look at Pickleball or Functional Fitness as two reasonably priced options at the community centre. You might also want to take advantage of our drop-in gym times. Also, the rink this year is gorgeous and beautifully maintained. An evening skate might be just the thing to get your blood pumping and remind you that winter can be beautiful.

Three reminders: We are still looking for a Treasurer and we really do need that role filled. We are also actively seeking volunteers for our Casino which takes place on April 2 and 3. Lastly, don’t forget to buy your membership. It’s a small investment in keeping our community connected and accessible.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!