Signal Hill President’s Message – February


How has winter treated you so far? Last month had some unusual patterns across North America and it stymied a lot of travel with the missing of many plans and events. Having said that, our rink has been going strong! We have tried doing something different this year by providing some rental ice time. This is done on weekends and is available at a reasonable cost. It takes hours of preparation, so the ice is perfect. Our ice volunteers are dedicated and have met the community’s needs to date. Thank you and please take a bow.

Was there an inspirational moment or treasured experience that you enjoyed here in Signal Hill that you would like to share? We have such an amazing space to live, work, and even play in. Some have been inspired to take pictures, write stories, even enjoy the odd deer visiting in their yards! Why not share your experiences here?

While we are an association, and as such, we do have a focus on providing opportunities to engage with your fellow neighbours, that is only part of what your association does. As a community, we also represent you to our partners. At every board meeting we have a representative from the Councillor’s office (Ward 6), the Calgary Police Service, and a city coordinator that helps us to interface with a variety of departments (i.e., Parks and Recreation) so we can include a variety of resources in what we can offer. We review development permits currently held in Signal Hill.

As members of the Federation of Calgary Communities, we try to keep abreast of trends that affect our community.

A community is a collection of families and neighbours. Your voice adds to the flavour of our one community voice. Note, I didn’t say united. There can be many individual strands that make Signal Hill. As the community marches down through the times, new strands may be added. That impacts both what we as an Association can offer in terms of programs and services; as well as how and what we advocate for in the community.

We enjoy your input. We’ll amplify the things you care about, and we’ll try to reflect our community to the best of our ability. If you have something to share, reach out to me at [email protected].

As an update, both the Treasurer and Secretary positions are still open. There are other opportunities to serve on the Board as well. Reach out and we will explore what will fit with your circumstance.

proudly serves the following Communities: Signal Hill