Springbank Hill’s March President’s Message


We are approaching the end of the winter season and all of us are looking forward to spring and the eventual arrival of our summer season. We’ve had a great skating season at both of our ice rinks and as we wind down winter activities, we have a number of initiatives in the planning stages. First, we have confirmed that the city will install a water line to the community garden at our community park for us this year. We are contributing funds to that work and the city will complete the installation for us. Second, at the time of writing this article, we are still waiting for final results of our application for a grant to fund the work to repair the water feature at the park on Springbank Gate. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that we are successful with this initiative as we do want to complete this project in 2022. Third, plans are also proceeding to scope our proposed upgrade projects at both our ice rinks. We will keep you informed as we make progress. Fourth, based on the feedback from our members, we have acknowledged support to scope out a project to install a future playground area at the community park. We are in the early stages of this work and will be looking for new volunteers to join the team to work on this with us. So, if you are interested, please contact us to discuss further.

Those of you with children aged 4 to 6 years will have seen our ads for the upcoming soccer and t-ball program this spring. This returning program has been very successful in past years, and we expect that we can return to a full program without pandemic restrictions in 2022. If you have any questions about this program, you can reach out to our coordinator at [email protected].

Other initiatives in the advanced planning stages include the annual community cleanup event and our ‘spinning in the park’ event. We are also discussing options to restart our annual adult social event sometime this summer. Stay tuned for more details. And it’s never too early to renew your annual community association membership. Renewals are simple and can be done online at our website.

Stay safe and healthy and we look forward to seeing many of you at our upcoming events.