Woodcreek’s July President’s Message

Woodcreek pm

After several months of being closed due to COVID, preparations are underway for a re-opening. While the new requirements are still vague in some areas, in others they are more specific. Many of the requirements also have an internal cause-n-effect component, which makes implementation a challenge and ensures that the ‘return to normal’ will not be exactly normal. For example, the size and frequency of the gatherings will be changed if not by direct legislative requirement than by indirect results of changes to the cleansing and disinfecting requirements and routines. Meeting the cleansing requirements will mean impacting the capacity to which the facility can be booked and the timing of event. This is just one example but there are numerous other factors which we are currently working through, as it’s not as simple as unlocking the door.

While there have been no association sponsored activities, there has been activity with regards to the ring road. Due to changes in construction design, many residents in the immediate area have had their property unexpectedly negatively affected. It appears some changes were made without due notification as many stakeholders, including the community association, were unaware and caught by surprise. While the position of the community association must be one of neutrality, we have been in contact with several levels of government, contractors, and residents to facilitate communications and the disbursement of factual information.

As part of the Greater Communities initiative, the city has a proposal which will affect the notification and involvement of communities in the development process. For obvious reasons, many community associations do not believe this to be in the best interest of our residents. Letters have been drafted by numerous communities, WCA included, and sent to the city which state objections to these proposed changes. We will continue to work with other communities and the city to, hopefully, affect a positive change.

In summary, while there have been no community activities, there has been a lot of activities. As we continue to work through things, I am too often reminded of the old Family Circus cartoon character Not Me. For those who do not recall, Not Me was the shadow figure responsible for all of the accidental happenings for which no one would admit ownership.

As we are preparing to open the community office, I would also like to welcome Erin onboard as Office Administrator. She will be working along with Sue toward the re-opening of the facility.

Wishing everyone a fun-filled and safe summer!


Scott A. Eden

President, Woodcreek Community Association