Pilates Can Benefit Every Kind of Body

Happy athletic group with thumbs up on a sunny day

At any age and at any stage, beginning a Pilates practice will positively support your wellness journey. Pilates is a movement practice that was created 100 years ago by Joseph Pilates. He developed a system of movements and apparatus to help people develop strength while gaining flexibility and balance.

How can Pilates help you?

  1. Avoid Future Injuries and Reduce Existing Muscle Tightness and Pain

Pilates improves your flexibility and a major benefit to becoming more flexible is that you reduce your chances of injury. Every muscle is connected and when there is tightness in the body it allows muscles to pull on joints, causing pain. A Pilates practice will create space between the joints reducing muscle tightness and pain.

  1. Prevent Slips, Trips and Tumbles

Pilates improves your balance. When you have better balance, you can catch yourself during a slip, preventing a fall. This is an important skill to hone during our Calgary winters.

  1. Improve Bladder Control

Both childbirth and aging have an adverse effect on our ability to control our bladder. Pilates really works the powerhouse which includes the pelvic floor. Strengthening your powerhouse will improve your bladder controllability.

  1. Improve Your Mood

Dedicating an hour just for you once a week will help you relieve stress and tension creating a happier you.