Your Feng Shui Bedroom Haven


by Kelly Kaur

Harness the beautiful energy of feng shui in your house and home. In feng shui, the bed and bedroom play important roles for occupants – not only to provide a good night’s rest but, also, to be a beautiful haven. When you think about how much time you spend in your bed and bedroom, you will appreciate things you can take into consideration from both a practical and feng shui point of view.

What do you need to take into account for a bed? Choose a bed with a solid headboard to ensure that you are symbolically protected and supported in your life. Avoid waterbeds, if possible: you don’t want to be afloat on the unstable movement of water. Ground yourself on a bed that does not tether on shaky legs either. It is best to have the footboard of the bed lower than the headboard. You may prevent the positive and good flow of chi or energy from flowing into your bed and into your life if you have an overly large footboard. Opt for a double bed or queen bed, if possible. These sizes are more auspicious for your relationship.

Wondering how to best position your bed in your bedroom? Make sure that you place your bed in a command position. This means that you should have a good view of the bedroom door from your bed. Thus, avoid having your bed right next to the door where you can’t have a clear view of who enters the room. This is command position in feng shui, and it ensures that you are facing your life and your challenges head-on, as you are prepared to face anything by having a vantage point. When in doubt, a feng shui consultant can offer the best perspectives.

Facing challenges in your life? Want to bring good luck into your bedroom? One thing to consider after a major break up or divorce is to try, at least, to get a new mattress, if not a new bed. Start your life from a fresh perspective. At the very least, clear the old energy! If you want to invite romance into your life, choose pink. Red will bring more fire and passion. In fact, the colors can be pink, red or white. Think pillows, sheets, comforters, curtains, candles, art and paint. Choose and coordinate carefully. Avoid everything in red – too much fire!

Then, look at the art and photographs in your bedroom. As difficult as it is for some, take out the photos of family and children. They can go in other areas, but not in the space that symbolizes relationships, romance and passion. Swap out those pictures of the lonely woman on the swing, or the single lion on the prowl hanging above your bed. Choose pictures and art that mean love and romance for you or that are in pairs – 2 beautiful flowers, birds, a couple, your wedding photos, etc. These resonate with love and togetherness – elements you want to have or to invite into your love life and bedroom.

Are you ready to have your best feng shui bedroom? You will be surprised at how you can change the energy in your bedroom by organizing your furniture placement, picking the right colors, showing your best art options, and being comfortable and happy in your special space. Ignite and invite love and romance through feng shui, and summon passion back into your bedroom.