September 2022 MLA Report – Calgary North – Muhammad Yaseen

Calgary North

Welcome back students and teachers. I trust you had a relaxing summer and are ready to start a productive school year of learning and teaching!

The last two years have been difficult for Alberta children. The Alberta Government is acting on recommendations from the Child and Youth Well-Being Action Plan, a cross-ministry effort, aimed at supporting the health and wellness of children affected by the pandemic. As part of this effort, we announced the Return to Play program, which will help subsidize the costs of playing organized sports for families in need by investing $4 million to this program that will be delivered in partnership with KidSport Alberta and Alberta Recreation and Parks Association.

I have been busy connecting with many cultural communities. As well, I’ve been involved with launching the first ever Newcomer Recognition Awards that will highlight the important contributions newcomers make to Alberta; and also, the release of Alberta’s first Anti-Racism Action Plan that will guide our province towards a future free of bias and racism.

The Alberta Government is making life affordable by extending the electricity rebate. This program will now provide $50 rebates for July to December to over 1.9 million homes, farms, and small businesses. In addition, the Alberta Government is extending the gas tax cut for gasoline, diesel, and farm fuel to the end of September. This is just one way we are making life affordable for working families. Further, the government is implementing a price protection program for natural gas, ensuring that Albertans will not experience price spikes this winter.

I want to thank my constituents for your continued support. Please know that I am available to meet in person and by phone at your convenience. As always, it is my great honour to serve as your MLA.

MLA – Calgary North Muhammad Yaseen proudly serves the following Communities: Carrington, Evanston, Hidden Valley, Panorama Hills