Haskayne News
Watch Out for Moving Scams
Watch Out for Moving Scams
Moving can be a stressful event in a person's life. The nine Better Business Bureaus (BBB) across Canada, in partnership...
Safety During the Festive Season
It’s December and by now we’ve figured out how to safely celebrate holidays and special occasions. But it is still a good time to...
Collection Day Changes
Winter Green Cart Schedule Starts in November
The seasons are changing and so is your green cart collection. Starting in November, your green cart will...
Drive Safely This Winter by Being Prepared
When driving during the winter season, be sure to plan for long trips carefully, listen to the radio or television for the latest weather...
The Flu vs COVID-19
Flu season this year looks very different as it coincides with the COVID 19 pandemic. As you begin to prepare for flu season, it...
Safely Dispose of Household Hazardous Waste
Household hazardous items such as propane tanks, oil and chemicals don’t belong in your carts. If a container has a hazardous symbol, bring it...
City Offering Event Grants
We know Calgarians are looking for ways to safely participate in arts, culture, sport, and recreation events like they did before the COVID-19 pandemic....
How to Make or Buy a Mask
Making a Mask
Wearing a non-medical mask may help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
There are many ways to make a cloth mask. Health Canada has...
The Calgary Catholic School District’s Three Year Capital Plan
https://www.cssd.ab.ca/BoardOfTrustees | trustees@ccsd.ab.ca
Learn more about your Calgary Catholic School District Board of Trustees!
A critical role for trustees of the Calgary Catholic School District (CCSD)...