A June Message from the 58th Thorncliffe Scouts

Scouts Canada

It has been over a month since “physically distanced” Scouting has become the new normal

We recognize that Scouters and families are busy, and it can be difficult to organize a virtual meeting every week. There are struggles with technology, with time, and with simply adapting to and surviving this situation. What we hope is that during these difficult times, Scouting can be a beacon of hope, a reprieve, and a connection to our lives pre-pandemic. With this in mind, we have challenged our leaders and youth to think outside of the box of your “regular” meetings.

Scouting is not defined by meeting once an evening every week in a school gym or on a video conferencing platform. Scouting with 58th Thorncliffe has been:

  • Good deeds in your community – picking up garbage on your walks (with appropriate safety gear) or helping a neighbour get groceries.
  • Meeting online to communicate what they are working on
  • Physical activities, such backyard campouts, have been completed by individuals.

Keeping in contact is important and we are all looking forward to returning to normal scouting.

Timothy Wallace