Hidden Valley – Hanson Ranch’s October Message from the Board


By the time this reaches you we will have seen the last of summer. Soon, we will all be busy raking leaves.

It was a good summer and the Board of Directors has achieved some good things.

The playground renewal at Hidden Close and Hidden Way was successfully completed this summer. That was quite an accomplishment by Sandy C. and her committee members. We applied Casino earnings and a Community Facilities Enhancement Program grant to pay for this re-vamp. Perhaps, we can look into another playground to improve or renew in the future, sadly Sandy had to step-down from her position on the board this year due to other commitments.

We have been given a grant from the City of Calgary to make some much needed repairs to the Hidden Hut, which is next to the rink. We are hoping to get the repairs done in September. The repairs include refurbishments to the stucco, painting the hut and replacing the one window. Building and Development Director, Barry R., is heading up this project.

Another of Barry’s projects is to have a light pole installed at the edge of the parking lot. This pole will not only carry two lights but also security cameras. We are beefing up security! Another camera may be installed to watch the garage door side of the hut. We are trying to fund this within our existing budget but are also trying to get some financial help from the Association’s bank, which is Servus.

We had initially cancelled Indoor Soccer for this year, for financial reasons, but we know there has still been interest in keeping at least one team alive. Instead, we are handing over the reins to Soccer Tech who will open up Indoor Soccer for registrations with very little help from Hidden Valley Community Association.

October is now on us and we wish all the kids out there a Happy Halloween. Go easy on all that candy.