North Haven’s Community Garden February Update

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Some neighbours have been wondering if having a community garden plot helps with rising food costs? It can provide you with fresh, easy-to-grow produce including greens like lettuce, spinach, kale, and Swiss chard, and root vegetables like carrots, potatoes, beets, and turnips. Along with many more kinds of vegetables and flowers.

Want to get involved? It’s easy. You need a North Haven Community Association membership and the fee for a standard plot is $20. However, if cost is an issue, then we do have a pay what you can policy and you can support the garden by helping out with community garden tasks. We also have a gardening lending library which includes tools, seeds, and gardening books.

If you are not ready for a whole plot of your own but would like to start getting involved, we will have shared community plots with several people growing and tending the plots, with the produce available to any community member. We also have a small community orchard of apples, pears, and cherry trees that also need tending.

Other benefits of gardening include meeting neighbours and chatting about the joys of gardening, getting your hands dirty in the soil, and learning new skills (we have many experienced gardeners who are happy to share their knowledge).

New to the garden this year is a completely accessible garden plot. And many more garden plots in the second development stage of the garden plots. We are counting down the days until we can get back into our garden plots and hope you will join us.

Registration dates for garden plots are:

• Returning gardeners March 1

• New gardeners March 15

Please go to the North Haven Community Association website and look for us under ‘Extras’ for details on registration, garden guidelines, and more.

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