Haysboro’s President’s Message for February

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Hello Fellow Community Members,

My name is Andrew Forsyth and as the community association vice-president, I am honoured to provide this report on behalf of Stephanie Thomas, our president, as she embarks on the journey of parenthood this month. Congratulations, Stephanie!

After an unseasonably warm December, January returned periods with normal winter temperatures to Calgary. The community rink was, once again, bustling with activity! It’s been delightful to see members of the community gather to utilize this space and I’ve personally enjoyed skating there with my six-year-old twin sons. Many thanks to our rink volunteers for their dedication and hard work that maintains this amenity for everyone to enjoy. For those of you that may be interested in helping, please reach out. We’re always looking for more help.

January was a busy month for our Planning Committee. RioCan’s Glenmore Landing development was brought to City Council to review the proposed sale of public lands adjacent to Glenmore Landing. While not located in Haysboro, the project is important to some members of our community, and we appreciate those who brought their perspectives to our Planning Committee meetings. Such conversations, with varied viewpoints, help us participate in the City’s planning review process and strive for due consideration of matters that are important to our members. Please don’t hesitate to become involved as development continues in and around our community.

As a final note, I am pleased to report that the City’s Parks Department has re-opened the main slide in the playground. This follows the completion of some minor retrofits to improve safety.

I wish everyone a pleasant February! Don’t hesitate to take in Calgary’s winter activities before spring sets in.


Andrew Forsyth

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