Fairview’s July Board Bits

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Arena Site Update

Southern Alberta Womens Hockey Association (SAWHA) Update:

The Fairview Women’s Hockey Arena Society would like to take this opportunity and acknowledge the support of the community of Fairview. It was our pleasure to have been part of your community as arena operators for over a decade. A heartfelt thank you goes out to all those residents that came out in support of our arena used equipment sale. All proceeds were donated to the Fairview Community Association and the Grindstone Girl’s Hockey Learn to Play Foundation. Moving forward, our Society continues to focus efforts on finding a new home for Girls and Women’s Hockey, and we wish the community of Fairview all the best!

Patti, Fairview Women’s Hockey Arena Society

City of Calgary Update as of June 11, 2019

What’s happening with the old Fairview Arena site?

There are a number of factors weighing into considerations for what comes next for the site where the Fairview Arena sat, prior to the roof collapse in February 2018. There is no City budget available to develop the site. The Fairview community was below the recommended allocation for green space. For now, the site has been cleaned up, and grass has been seeded. Once the seed is established, it will be open to use by residents. The City will paint the south-facing wall that is now exposed, and provide adequate landscaping to maintain the site. In the meantime, there are some planning processes underway that will guide development of Fairview as a whole, and will inform what might make sense for this site.

Area 31 Local Area Planning

Multi-community local area plans is a new City approach to local area plans. They are created by The City in coordination with a range of stakeholders, including community associations, local residents, local groups, local business owners, local developers, and builders. Multi-community local area plans outline where and how an area might grow, change, and evolve over time, and provide planning direction for development, as well as highlights infrastructure needs to support growth.

The estimated public launch of the Area 31 Multi-community local area planning initiative, which includes the community of Fairview, is fall 2019. The first stakeholder engagement session took place on June 20 at Rose Kohn Arena. It introduced the initiative and collected input to help inform the project plan and associated communications and engagement strategy.

Fairview-Specific Engagement

Calgary Neighbourhoods is committed to community engagement in Fairview and determining how it will structure engagement to synthesize with the Area 31 efforts being pursued in your neighbourhood. This engagement effort would be City-led, coordinated in consultation with the Fairview Community Association, and work with the information gathered through the Area 31 local planning work. This would be a community engagement opportunity to engage Fairview residents in a broader conversation on their vision for their neighbourhood. The City can then work together to determine how the 8038 Fairmount Drive site can fit into what residents imagine for the future Fairview as a whole.

8038 Fairmont Drive Site and Insurance Monies

Calgary Recreation has determined that no new arena will be rebuilt on this site and there is no need/plan for a Recreation facility at this location. The City received $4,929,523.95 from its insurance provider. There is $4.3 million remaining after covering costs associated with the demolition and remediation. The remaining funds will be used towards an ice allocation study and future recreation capital development project(s) elsewhere in the city, based on assessed needs. None of these funds have been earmarked for reinvestment in Fairview.