June News form the Parkland Community Association

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Parkland Community Association Board of Directors

Position Vacancy: Treasurer

Thank you to Kim Ball for contributing to the community through her role as Treasurer. We have benefited greatly from Kim’s sound accounting and financial knowledge, pleasant calm demeanor, and common-sense approach to the business of the association. We wish her the best in the future. Thank you, Kim!

The Parkland Community Association is now recruiting for the executive board position of Treasurer. The time commitment averages two to three hours per week, including monthly board meetings and financial statement reviews.

Duties include:

  • Managing the finances of the community association and ensuring compliance with government requirements
  • Advising p/t Hall Administrator of accounting procedures
  • Preparing monthly financial reports for board members approval
  • Preparing the annual GST and AGLC reports
  • Meeting with the auditor yearly

The Calgary Parkland Community Association represents the municipal interests of Parkland residents and contributes to the community by supporting affordable local programs, organizing community events, and maintaining and operating the Parkland Community Hall.

Parkland Canada Day

Celebrating Canada Day at the Parkland Hall has become a Parkland tradition, and one we would like to continue in 2020, albeit in an altered format. As of writing, we do not know what that will look like but are investigating the possibilities. Check www.parklandyyc.ca for details.

If you have ideas or are able to contribute your time, please contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]. Please help.