Glenbrook President’s Message for June


Happy June, everyone!

Glenbrook’s Annual Community Clean Up Day needed to be postponed to later in May. Due to a mix-up regarding the initial date given to us, the event was held on May 25th, rather than May 11th as we first announced here in the Globe. We apologize for any inconvenience that this caused our residents, and we would like to thank all the volunteers, vendors, and the City of Calgary for working through the changes we had to make, and still running a great event. For Dumpster Day, the Glenbrook Community Association, in partnership with The City of Calgary Waste and Recycling Services and Animal and By-law Services, brought in three large packer trucks for you to get rid of any household or yard waste that may have piled up during the winter. We also provided a scrap metal bin, document shredder, electronic recycling, and a free cycle area.

We are looking for someone new to join our board this fall and take on the role of Treasurer. If you think you could help out, please give me a call or send an email, or reach out to someone currently on our board. This position requires five to ten hours a month of volunteer time, including our monthly board meetings, and basic bookkeeping skills.

Summer is nearly upon us, and our outdoor sport courts are back up and running. Thanks to everyone for your patience as we waited for the ice to melt on the rinks so that our volunteers could set the courts up. We saw an unusual amount of snow this past winter, which delayed our estimated opening for the sport courts. Also, thanks to Brad and our ice rink volunteers from this past winter, who were out sometimes daily clearing the rinks.

As summer approaches, please watch your speed in our school and playground zones.

You can always reach me by email at [email protected] or call me at 403.616-4644.

Take care,

Murray Ost, President