Quick Facts About Marda Loop Main Streets

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We understand you may have questions about Main Streets construction. Here are answers to some of the most common questions. You can also contact the project team at [email protected]. Thank you for your ongoing support.

What is this project all about?

This is Marda Loop Main Streets. A Main Street is the cultural, social, and economic focal point of a community. This is Calgary’s largest Main Street project and investment to date.

What are you actually doing/ building?

We are making a ton of improvements in the community. Many benefits will come as a result of this construction! We are:

• Completely reconstructing much of the roadways.

• Installing new street furnishings that brand Marda Loop as a destination, including streetlights, benches, bike racks, waste bins, and more. We are even refurbishing historic signs to showcase the neighbourhood’s unique character.

• Improving safety and traffic flow at 11 intersections. Intersections will now have “curb extensions” or bump outs. These make the crossing distance shorter for pedestrians and improve visibility so you can better see when a car is coming (and they can better see you)! It will be better for pedestrians and drivers.

• Creating four plaza and gathering spaces.

• Adding new landscaping that is designed to thrive specifically in Marda Loop, based off a climate analysis of the community.

• Upgrading utilities to help manage future growth and working with ENMAX, ATCO and others to upgrade their infrastructure as well.

Will 33 and 34 Avenues S.W. become permanent one-ways?

No. Once construction is complete 33 and 34 Avenues will return to two-way traffic. The temporary one-way detour allows us to maintain traffic on both Avenues and keep on-street parking where possible while still maintaining a safe space for crew to work.

Is there going to be a bike lane?

Technically, it will be a multi-use path (MUP) along the south side of 34 Avenue. An MUP is a shared facility for cyclists and pedestrians that is physically separated from the road. It will be adjacent to the sidewalk and off the road. We chose a MUP because it delivers increased safety for users and aligns with the feedback we heard from the community: that preserving on-street parking is a high priority. A MUP also allows parking to be maintained on both sides of 34 Avenue S.W. You can learn more about the other types of cycling infrastructure we considered at www.engage.calgary.ca/33ave.

Will there be parking on 33 Avenue S.W. after construction is done?

Yes, there will be parking on both sides of the Avenue, as well as two-way traffic.

33 Avenue S.W. will be an avenue where pedestrians can support local businesses via safe and accessible walking and wheeling connections, enjoy an enhanced public realm with more spaces to sit and visit, and experience the unique character of the community. It will see new curb extensions to protect pedestrian safety, improved traffic flow and new lights, and pedestrian rest areas.

Will there be parking on 34 Avenue S.W. after construction is done?

Yes, there will be parking on both sides of the Avenue, as well as two-way traffic. To maintain the parking and two-way vehicle traffic, plus make room for the new multi-use path on the south side of the road, we’ll be reorganizing the streetscape and using the road and utility-right-of-ways. This extra space will allow us to make sharing the road a safer and more predictable experience for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers.

34 Avenue S.W. will be a sleek travel corridor where people can walk, wheel, and drive safely alongside each other. It will offer connections to neighbouring communities, pathway connections, and local businesses. Our goal is to make sharing the road a safer and more predictable experience for everyone and to encourage Calgarians to visit and spend time in Marda Loop.

How long will construction take?

Two years. We are scheduled to complete construction at the end of 2024. We may return to do some landscaping and final touchups in 2025. There will be much to enjoy!

Where can I learn more?

Our website has all the most up-to-date information: www.calgary.ca/mardaloop. You can also sign-up for our newsletter and receive project updates direct to your inbox

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